Message from the Parish Priest

To you,

dear parishioners and churchgoers,

Greetings of Peace in the Lord Jesus!

The Bible says, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord”. Indeed, I thank the Lord for choosing me as worthy to serve Him, at this beautiful church which is dedicated to St. John de Britto, one of the great Martyr for Lord our Jesus from India. I feel privileged to be appointed here as the parish priest.

Reflecting on the Parables of the Sprouting and Mustard seeds, Pope Francis says, “It is not easy for us to enter into this logic of the unpredictable nature of God and to accept it in our life. But today the Lord exhorts us to an attitude of faith that goes beyond our projects, our calculations, our forecasts. God is always the God of surprises; the Lord always surprises us. It is an invitation to open ourselves more generously to God’s plans, both personally and at the community level. In our communities we must pay attention to small and great opportunities of good that offers us the Lord, allowing us to be involved in its dynamics of love, welcome and mercy to all.” From this Papal sharing we can be reminded that indeed that the growth of the Church, and this is what Jesus is trying to say to us through these parables, is always due to the Power of God. And God’s power can never be thwarted by either the prince of darkness or by the ineptness or by the insincerity of people. The planted seed continues to grow mysteriously even while the farmer is sleeping. In like manner, the Church will continue to grow for Jesus has said, “Nations and kingdoms shall rise in your midst but shall perish away, but My Word, My Kingdom will last forever.” However, the faithful must never be complacent nor passive in the Divine plan of salvation. God wills that, though He could do it by Himself, we must be His human instruments in the implementation of His plan. This brings us to the second lesson of faith we can learn and apply in our daily human existence from the parables.

“St. Peter’s is a rock, built on the Foundation of Truth, inspiring and equipping believers to be a Eucharistic People.”

Every member of this parish working together to become a beacon of hope as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seek to build strong faith-based communities. Our worshipping together to celebrate the Eucharist and the other Sacraments with joy in our hearts, faithful to our Catholic tradition.Our responding passionately and compassionately in service to the hurting and struggling members of our parish, especially to the cries of those living in poverty or those on the margins of society.Our continued support of clergy, deacons, religious and laity in their ministries as well as our praying for and welcoming new vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life and lay ministry.

May Mary our mother the fountain of all Grace inspires us. May her presence and Guidance accompany each and every member of this Parish.